Add your voice, heart & brain! This is it, the final reading, culminating months of workshops.
Closing out a weekend of art & activism for Creative Time Summit-DC, we come together in front of the White House (on pedestrian part of Pennsylvania Ave, in front of Peace Tent) to envision representational leadership that seems impossible from where we stand now. Inspired by a 1992 text piece by artist Zoe Leonard, this project has engaged the public in adapting her list of demands to reflect the urgencies of today through in-person workshops and online discussions. Now, we will read these two texts in unison, connecting the concerns of the past with the needs of the present, and collectively-voiced desires for an alternate future.
Presented in collaboration with Furthermore with thanks to the following community partners: Anacostia Arts Center, Bread for the City, Creative Time Summit, the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design at The George Washington University, the DC Public Library Foundation, Pleasant Plains Workshop, Potter’s House, Transformer, Visual AIDS